Tonight at church I got to hear the testimonies of children and it has my whole heart so captivated.
We had been reading the story of Daniel and the lions den. We read that after the Lord saved Daniel from the mouths of those lions and the king Darius saw this, he sent out a message to the whole world, telling the world who he had experienced Daniel’s God to be.
We read these words… and then we stopped and just sat with Jesus for a few minutes.
We took time to remember him with us.
We thought about the times we have experienced his presence.
We thought about who God is in our own heart and life.
It wasn’t long before these kiddos began to pour out their stories of Jesus with them… And it was so beautiful.
We then together wrote things from our hearts that we want the whole world to hear and know about our God.
Every moment tonight was so full of his life in them and with them. I am so so thankful ❤️😭